

“Must be the most original gardening book ever.” John Carey


“Stuart-Smith’s beautifully written book is filled with insights into the joys but also the remarkable therapeutic benefits that tending plants can offer… This is a life-affirming study of the special pleasures of growing things.” PD Smith


“Fascinating… Extends the awareness – backed up by compendious and elegant research – of how mentally enriching it is to swap screen for green… [She] renders a very special service with this book.” Kate Kellaway


“Combines observation, horticulture, literature and history… it is a book that builds, chapter by chapter… As a reference and an inspiration… There is much here to feed the soul.” Ann Treneman


“The Well-Gardened Mind elegantly weaves in case histories with snippets of memoir.” Constance Craig Smith


“This is a book so wise and comfortable that it merits a place alongside Christopher Lloyd’s The Well-Tempered Garden by the side of every bed… Her deep understanding of the human psyche makes this a perfect source text as well as an engrossing read.” Marian Boswall


“…a readable and blessedly comprehensible account which, considering the complexity of much of the subject matter, especially to do with the brain, is an impressive achievement. It contains, au fond, both a very personal and a universal narrative.” Ursula Buchan


“Wise, insightful, and eloquent, Stuart-Smith’s soulful and sensitive treatise on horticulture’s healing properties is a well-positioned book for the current age of anxiety, offering a personally relevant perspective on how to cope in troubled times.” Carol Haggas


“[Stuart-Smith] delivers a thoroughly researched text based on her deep and wide reading about the history of gardening, her visits to many of the therapeutic garden sites she mentions, and her interviews with many people, professionals and patients alike... Full of surprise and wonder.”


“This stylishly written book is filled with insights into the therapeutic benefits of gardening can offer everyone.” Rebecca Wallersteiner


”Her plea that we need to rediscover nature in the modern world is so powerfully argued that I too wondered why I was sitting indoors reading her book on a sunny afternoon... Stuart-Smith brings fresh discernment... I also welcomed her insights from her long career as a doctor.” Rachel Kelly


“It is one of those beautiful books that opens so many windows in your mind that you feel not just better informed but wiser for reading it.” Pat Ashworth


“What she has accomplished is to greatly broaden the scope of her endeavor, to see the common humanity among vastly different people, in many parts of the world, living lives of almost inconceivable diversity; breaking down barriers and prejudicial distinctions; ignoring the walls we’ve erected between scientists and artists and prisoners; and revealing the profound importance of gardens, nature, and greenness to human lives—to all human lives.” James Golden


“She skillfully weaves into her narrative a rich, idiosyncratic mix of archeological evidence of man’s earliest gardens, quotations from Scripture and the great books, and anecdotes from her own psychotherapy practice." Barbara Paul Robinson


“The book, a meaty volume combining personal interviews and social science studies, reveals how connecting with nature nourishes and grounds us, instilling a sense of shelter and safety even if (when) the world around us is fraught.” Lorene Edwards Forkner

TV, Radio and Podcasts



Sue Stuart-Smith and Ron Finley discuss the benefits of gardening and nature on mental health
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Start the Week - Nature worship
Andrew Marr with Sue Stuart-Smith and Jonathan Bate
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Mindfulness Monday
Mark Forrest with Sue Stuart-Smith
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Giles Coren
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Sunday Breakfast with Penny Smith
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World: we got this podcast - Lockdown Spaces
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Shaggy Grass and Flower Powe‪r
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Grow A Garden, Tend Your Mind
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With Vicki St. Clair
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With Rabbi Rami
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Get The Funk Out with Janeane Bernstein
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With Marianne Pestana
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Saturday Extra with Geraldine Doogue
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With Christina Gessler
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With Jennifer Jewell
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With Sylvia & Me
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Gardeners’ Corner with David Maxwell
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Gardening for Mental Health with Susan MacTavish Best
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What’s Wrong With - The Relationship between Gardening and Mental Health
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Cultivation with Nina Benner
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Polish audiobook recording
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The Quarantine Tapes 199: Rebecca Mead
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Gardening with Sue Stuart-Smith
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With Dr Mark Rowe
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With Dr Trevor Campbell
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With Jimmy Doherty
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With Arit Anderson
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With Claudia Hammond
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Serge Hill: Tom and Sue Stuart-Smith's unique project 


Why Gardening Offers a ‘Psychological Lifeline’ in Times of Crisis (Margaret Roach)


Fresh clean soil - The therapeutic value of gardening (extract from The Well Gardened Mind)


Seeds and self-belief (extract from The Well Gardened Mind)


Psychiatrist Sue Stuart-Smith on how to use gardening as a tool to build self-belief (extract from The Well Gardened Mind)


On the World Building of Gardens (extract from The Well Gardened Mind)


How Gardening Helps Us Find Our Place in the World (extract from The Well Gardened Mind)


How gardening is good for us: Sue Stuart-Smith on gardening and our mental health. Daisy Bowie-Sell


The Therapeutic Power of Gardening. Rebecca Mead


Book of the Week - The Well Gardened Mind. Constance Craig Smith


10 Top Summer Reads in Nonfiction. Eric Liebetrau


The therapeutic value of gardening. Robin Lane Fox


Why a garden (or just a green view) eases our hearts and minds in troubled times. Mary Keen


Why nature is the antidote to our modern ills. Horatio Clare


Growing food and gardening may just save your sanity during the coronavirus lockdown: Psychiatrist Sue Stuart-Smith reveals how tending to plants can give us all some hope. Ruairi Glasheen


In difficult times, let us cultivate our gardens. Joy Lo Dico


Q&A with Sue Stuart-Smith. Vivenne Hambly


A nation of gardeners - Britons dig in for the lockdown.


Nonfiction to look out for in 2020. Rachel Cooke


How growing plants helps you live longer and feel better. Robin Powell


Feeling Green. Claire Masset


Exploring the Well Gardened Mind.


The 9 best new non-fiction books to lift your spirits in lockdown. Francesca Brown


We kunnen maar voor een deel onze wil opleggen aan de tuin. Maartje den Breejen


Hands in the Mud. Shylashri Shankar


Eine Psychologin erklärt, warum Gärtnern glücklich macht. Annette Schäfer


Sue Stuart-Smith, un diván en el bosque. Rafa de Miguel


Estas son las increíbles ventajas de vivir al ritmo de las plantas. Alejandra De Vengoechea


Entrevista con Sue Stuart-Smith, autora de ‘La mente bien ajardinada’. Ignacio Ribera